A different kind of busy.

Daily, Gardening, RV Travels

Even in quarantine, we’ve been busy. It’s just a different kind of busy, is all. Before this all started, I spent hours in my car, driving all over the city as I ferried my youngest from her classes at the community college, to her enrichment program, to any one of a half dozen orchestra rehearsals […]

May 19, 2020

A little sumpthin-sumpthin…

Daily, Photos

Yesterday morning when I went downstairs for coffee, I found a little folded piece of paper in my mug (mercifully before pouring anything into it): I pulled it out and looked at it and saw a photocopy of a squirrel-meme my 16yo loves. It’s the one with the overweight squirrel looking like it’s patting its […]

April 2, 2020

Just an average week, except for the quarantine, that is.


The funny thing about working from home most of the time is that when you’re suddenly mandated to start working from home all the time, your day-to-day routine sorta kinda doesn’t change all that much. I sleep the best I can, wake up, drink coffee, read the news, and then go upstairs to my office […]

March 31, 2020

A Trip to Denver


Saturday, we drove up to Denver to move our older daughter out of her dorm room. The dorm isn’t officially closing because there are students there who have no other housing options, but they asked that anyone who has other options to please vacate and turn in keys as soon as possible. They’ll deep clean […]

March 23, 2020

Spring Equinox at 7,400 Feet

Daily, Photos

Today is the first day of spring, so we’re having a blizzard to celebrate. When you live at the top of a mountain pass, even a smallish one, this sort of thing isn’t unusual. What is unusual is that we didn’t have to look up school closings for this one. Because everything is already closed. […]

March 19, 2020

End of Life

Daily, Photos

The afternoon before my daughter came home from college for what would become the rest of the semester, I took a look at her cat, Bubbles, and realized that he didn’t look good. At all. He had lost a lot of the weight he’d regained after his dental surgery in the fall, and his fur […]

March 18, 2020