Sunday morning conversation over coffee.

Conversations, Daily / Monday, August 17th, 2020

Me: Did you see this headline about the fire tornado in California?

Husband: Fire tornado???

Me: Yes. Apparently, conditions were unusually perfect for the formation of a firenado, also known as a pyrocumulonimbus cloud. It formed near the Loyalton fire. Can you imagine?

Husband: Jesus…. Who had firenado on their 2020 Bingo card?

Me: I know, right? I was just on my way to look up air-fryer recipes, because the new air fryer will arrive today, and this popped up.

Husband: You searched for air-fryer, and THAT came up?

Me: Not exactly…. I was about to do a search, but this came up first and distracted me.

Husband: So… if a firenado were to move to the coast, and just edge over the water… and accidentally pick up a shark….

Me: It would be a fire-shark-nado!

Husband: Yes!

Me: I suppose the shark wouldn’t survive. The fire would sear it nicely though. Shark steaks would fall from the sky, fully cooked.

Husband: Mmmm… shark…. People would be like: why are you out here tossing spices and oil into the air?

Me, laughing: Shark is supposed to be really healthy for you, I think.

Husband: So what are you gonna cook us in the air fryer tonight?

Me: I dunno. Cod, I guess.