A side-eyed glance.
Husband: Why is he constantly following you around crying like that? Me: He’s just waiting for me to fill his dish with something he can disdainfully refuse to eat.
Husband: Why is he constantly following you around crying like that? Me: He’s just waiting for me to fill his dish with something he can disdainfully refuse to eat.
It’s snowing again. We had a warm week last week where things became misleadingly mild and the grass even greened up a bit, but we know better up here at the top of the little divide I live on than to trust any of that bullshit in early April. And sure enough, today is day […]
We had a little snow on Thursday evening, so yesterday morning I woke to this: April snow isn’t all that unusual up here at 7,400 feet. Thursday morning, before the snow came, I took Bubbles down to the vet for a follow-up appointment. I’m not allowed in the building still because we’re nowhere near the […]